Scenes from Inspire & Restore 2019!

Just thought I’d share some of what happened on our Inspire & Restore Retreat this year today!


Heather and I arrived with a VERY FULL car in a gently falling snow! Heather demonstrated just how full:


Last year there was no snow, this year there was plenty!


Our first practice in the South Lobby was a wonderful way to shake off the travel and begin our time together:

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Heather started the real love fest off with some gentle assists during Shavasana our first night:

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Angel cards gave us all a little message for our time together. This one was mine:


Sunrise the next morning was stunning on the freshly fallen snow:


The view from our practice space never ceases to amaze:


Everyone’s items placed on our group altar for the retreat:

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I was very grateful for the loan of some snowshoes while we were there so I could try them out. It was cold but an amazing day to get outside for a bit:


Someone caught me taking pictures while I was out there. You can tell it’s me because of all the BLUE!:

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Everyone worked hard during our morning vinyasa practices with me:


And were ready to rest well during the evening restorative sessions with Heather:

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The outdoor hot tub is always a highlight for me, even if the walk to and from is a little bracing!

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The food was amazing this year! Couldn’t resist a picture of this Maple Creme brûlée!


We already can’t wait for next year! Save the dates! January 26th-29th, 2020!

Disclaimer: Not all yoga poses are suitable for all persons. Please consult with your health care provider and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga or any other exercise program. The information provided in this blog is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical advice or direct guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.