Meditation Interview

Meditation seems to be a big buzz word in all sorts of media lately! Going into 2016, it seems like meditation is becoming more interesting to more people, and the information out there about meditation is becoming more confusing! It really can be overwhelming to start a meditation practice when you have no idea what is "right" or "wrong" and where the heck to begin. I was recently interviewed by the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript about these very questions and more on meditation.

You can read the full article on their website.

There's so much more I could have said on this subject, but this article will give you the basics.

Are you looking for guidance in starting or refreshing your meditation practice, even after reading this article? I'd be happy to help! Schedule a Private Session with me or come to one of my classes at the studio. I always include at least a few minutes of meditation in each class. Not local enough for that? Email me and let's see if we can work together via Skype or phone call. I'd love to help you experience all of the benefits of a steady meditation practice!