2015 Gratitude Challenge!


2015 Gratitude Challenge!

It's that time of year again! Time for our annual Gratitude Challenge.

We do this every year at this time for so many reasons. Here are just a few:

  1. Cultivating Gratitude this time a year is a great way to help us navigate the busy holiday season. A time when there can be great joy as we are surrounded by family and friends while we celebrate, and yet can have great challenges as we navigate those relationships and often times miss those that can't be with us.
  2. Cultivating Gratitude is being proven by science as another way to increase your health and well being. Grateful people are shown to have more energy, be generally happier over longer periods of time and take care of themselves better. You can read more of these benefits here.
  3. The end of another year is a great time to check in with ourselves and see where we are in our lives and on our path. The Cultivation of Gratitude is a great way to take a little time out of your day to see what your day was like, what your mindset is like and how it might be changing.

Why 40 days?

Many of you have had the opportunity to join some of these 40 day practices before, but if you haven't, 40 days is a key number for a practice as outlined in many of the great spiritual traditions. You may remember the story of Jesus wandering the desert for 40 days. In the yoga traditions, 40 days is the recommended amount of time for a spiritual discipline. This video also outlines how the energy of our practice is deeply imprinted on the physical body over this period of time.

How this Challenge will Work

Find a lovely journal.

Starting November 22, write down the date and 10 things you were grateful for that day, before you go to bed. I find this timing works best for me, but if you prefer to do it when you wake or mid day, that's fine.

Continue this EVERY DAY through December 31st.

In January, bring in your journal for one of our teachers to just briefly check through to make sure that you did it every day. We won't read each item as we know these things might be quite personal. We just want to see that you did the practice. Deadline to submit your journal is JANUARY 10, 2016.

By showing us your journal you will be entered to win one of these fabulous prizes!

Third Prize - A one hour Private Yoga Session with Jessica, a $50 in value!


Second Prize - A Manduka Yoga mat of your choice from our current stock, up to $80 in value!

mat strap 2
mat strap 2

Grand Prize - A FREE Monthly Membership for the month of February 2016! $100 value!!

So get your journals ready for what is sure to be a transformative experience! Let us know if you have any questions!

Disclaimer: Not all yoga poses are suitable for all persons. Please consult with your health care provider and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga or any other exercise program. The information provided in this blog is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical advice or direct guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.