Yoga is for EVERYBODY!


Spending the afternoon talking to people about yoga at #amherstnh middle school. I've heard multiple stories today from people about how their first #yogaclass was traumatic because they were in a class that went way too fast, that the teacher didn't help them or that poses were called that were completely unsuitable for a beginner (bird of paradise anyone?!?). That makes me so sad!! Yoga can be accessible to EVERYONE, we just have to make it possible as teachers. That's something we really strive to do at Forever Yoga. If you had a bad experience in your first class please give yoga another try at our studio or someplace else. This practice has so much to offer its worth another shot. I promise! #yogaforbeginners #yogalove #yogaforlife #yogaforeveryone via


Disclaimer: Not all yoga poses are suitable for all persons. Please consult with your health care provider and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga or any other exercise program. The information provided in this blog is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical advice or direct guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.