Scenes from the 2020 Inspire and Restore Retreat!

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We had another amazing retreat in Vermont this past week and I wanted to share some of it with you today! I’m always amazed at how our small group comes together for these retreats. Some of the faces are familiar, some of them are new, but we all feel like we’ve known each other forever by the end. It’s really wonderful!

We had the barn to ourselves for the full time this year so we got to do our first practice in the space we think of as “ours”.


We spent most of the time we were there with these beautiful misty views and light snowfall.


Each year we make a collective altar that everyone contributes some small object or two to creating. It holds our intentions and reminds us of what we’ve come to do throughout our time together. It’s always beautiful and so very special. The stories behind each object are often quite moving.


The morning practice this year was very “workshop” like, focusing on moving pelvis and spine together for safe and healthy twisting and finding our personal alignment in standing postures. We always work hard but have fun too!


We always have a little gift for all our participants and this year my Mom and I created a special little handmade book for everyone that had info on our schedule, mantras and space for journaling. All the decorations on the front and back were made by my Mom on a tight schedule, which I very much appreciated and so did everyone else!

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Restorative yoga with Heather in the evenings is always such a welcome end to the day! Her loving touch and soothing voice is absolutely a favorite with everyone. We hope to have her to the studio sometime soon so more of you can experience what she has to offer.


Before we know it, it’s time for one last practice and then we all head home. But we do our best to remember that the connections we’ve made do not go away when we go back to our daily lives.

We are already looking forward to next year!

Save the dates! January 24-27, 2021!


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