Thank you (and a little gift)!!

Thank You!.png

As my "birthday month" comes to a close I wanted to take a moment to say Thank You to everyone, students and teachers alike, past and present, in our Forever Yoga community. While running any kind of business is never an easy thing, as I look back over the last nearly 7 years I realize how fortunate I am to do what I do. When I moved to NH 8 years ago this month, I had the deepest desire to share with others what my teachers had given to me. I was pulled to offer up the tools I had been given because they had been so life changing and I knew that my experience was not unique. I knew that this practice was such a gift and I *so* wanted to give others the opportunity to experience that transformation. 

What I didn't realize was how much *I* would be changed by doing so. How I would also grow, change and benefit from doing this work as a teacher and then as a business owner. I cannot begin to put into words what all of You have taught Me. About yoga, about life and so much more. 

Over the years you've also given me the chance to continue to hone my skills as a teacher. To experience and practice things that I might not have gotten the opportunity to do otherwise. I've then done my best to bring back what I've learned to you, so that you can continue to grow and learn. And so the cycle continues...

There have been sacrifices along the way of course. Priorities had to be set. Choices had to be made. And one of the choices I had to continue to make was to delay continuing my formal yoga teaching education. There are only so many hours in a day, so much energy (and let's face it, so much money) to go around. But I'm happy to tell you that's about to change.

I'll be sharing more in the coming months, but I recently made the commitment to get my "masters degree" in teaching yoga. It's been a long time coming. I'm both nervous and excited for what's in front of me. But most of all I'm grateful to each and every one of you, whether you've taken one class or one hundred, whether you've subbed one class or taught one hundred, for making it possible for me to continue to hone my skills, so our community can continue to move forward on our path together.

As a small gift of appreciation I want to give you something that I have found so beneficial in my practice and my life. Now through March 31st, 2019 you can download from the website the mantra recording "Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha" for FREE with the code THANKYOU19. Play it in your office, chant with it in the car, leave it on in the background while you do the dishes, fall asleep to it if you like. This mantra has meant so much to me. May it bless you with a clear path to whatever is calling to your heart the most.

And thank you for everything. I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you!

Get your download here!

Disclaimer: Not all yoga poses are suitable for all persons. Please consult with your health care provider and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga or any other exercise program. The information provided in this blog is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical advice or direct guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.

Ram Dass Retreat!

I started announcing this last week, but tomorrow I’m flying to Maui to check something off my bucket list (yes I’m only 39 but I don’t think it’s ever too early to have a bucket list!). I’m going to spend some time in the same room as Ram Dass. 

Ram Dass

Ram Dass

If you’ve never heard that name you’re not alone. But Ram Dass was instrumental in bringing yogic thought and philosophy to the West. His 1960s book “Be Here Now” is considered one of the first major texts to bring yogic philosophy and thought to the west. I read his book after finishing my first teacher training and it was certainly life changing.

I’ve listened to talks of his for years. I’ve read several of his other books (one I like quite a bit is the “Journey of Awakening” which is available for purchase in our boutique at the studio). I’ve read posts on his website. I’ve watched movies. There’s something about his energy that I find captivating. The way his mind works with information. The way he makes things clear while still being down to earth. His honesty. And his generosity of spirt in making it possible for us to know his guru, Neem Karoli Baba. It was through him, to some degree, that I was introduced to the Kirtan and teaching of Krishna Das. His path has opened up a path for me in a way I am so grateful for.

There’s so much in his teaching that I hope to embody. The clarity, the honesty, the generosity, the “smartness” if you will! To be able to spend some time in the same room with him is a blessing I can’t even begin to imagine at the moment. I still can’t believe this is really happening!

And I have you to thank. My trip wouldn’t be possible without our community of practitioners. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope to bring back some juicy stuff for you!

They are live streaming some of the workshops this weekend. If you’d like to follow along, check out this link:

I think it’s going to be an amazing set of workshops and teachings.

I'll try and post some things here and on Instagram when I can.

I’ll see you tonight for class. Much love to you all!

Disclaimer: Not all yoga poses are suitable for all persons. Please consult with your health care provider and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga or any other exercise program. The information provided in this blog is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical advice or direct guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.

Thank YOU!!!


I just found out that Forever Yoga has WON the Best of the Souhegan Valley awards for Best Yoga Studio 2014!! I want to thank each and every one of you that took the time out of your day to vote for us!  I know your time is precious and to think you did this for us means so very much!

As most of you know, this has been a very challenging summer for me on a personal level with the back problem that kept me out of the studio for three weeks. The recovery to my health hasn't been easy and the recovery of Forever Yoga hasn't been easy either. I can't tell you how much I was holding my breath before that first class back. Would anyone show up? But you did. And you continue to do so.

Sometimes as a teacher it's hard to know if anything we say or do makes a difference. We show up day after day and do our best and sometimes it's hard to know what is "landing" and what isn't. It's hard to tell if what we're doing really matters. We (and, well, by "we" I mean me) start to question where we're going and what we're doing and why and it can be easy to start to feel very lost.

Perhaps an award like this is just a popularity contest. Perhaps you could say there really aren't many yoga studios in the covered region anyway. You could probably say a lot of things. But for me, today, what this award means is that a few people took the time to show they care and that Forever Yoga means something to them. Since Forever Yoga definitely means something to me, to those people, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You.